Friday, December 22, 2023

December Solstice -The Longest Night of the Year


Tonight is the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. This observation may be one of the oldest events that humans recognized. At least it was part of ancient systems of telling time by paying attention to the movements of celestial objects.The Winter Solstice not only marked the harsh winter season - the time of cold and snow - but also the reassurance that the light would now be increasing. A reliable sign that warmth and sunshine would return. It gave hope during a difficult time of year.

For me, the Winter Solstice helps me boost my resilience by reminding me that difficult times come to our lives with regularity, just as joyous times do. While dark days seem to arrive unbidden, we can help ourselves "get through them" by creating and seeking ways to build our resilience.

As the New Year dawns with a few more minutes of light, let's resolve to take advantage of that light, by looking for laughter, being open to friendship and love, and finding appreciation and gratitude on a daily basis. (remembering that there will be days that the only thing you may be grateful for is that a difficult day is over, and you are hopeful for a better day ahead.) With thanks to all of you for supporting and following me, wishing you happiness in this season of celebrations, and the gift of laughter in the coming New Year.

©2023 Noreen Braman

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