Sunday, April 28, 2024

NAPOWRIMO April 28, 2024


The Feeling That Shall Not Be Named

the brain holds the archive
of all the stories lived,
and daily shuffles through them
randomly projecting a memory,
in whispers, shadows and echoes
that manifest in the body,
as the physical state of anxiety
all of the fear, but none of the context,
only waves of existential dread


©2024 Noreen Braman

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

NAPOWRIMO April 24, 2024


The Name Game

So many of us want nom de plumes,
not as in-disguise authors
or shielded government witnesses,
just a cutesy handle for social media
with a wink and a nod to some inside joke.
Nick-names from high school
your mom’s pet name for you
Some adult language that makes you laugh -
until someone quotes you in a serious forum
And your double entendre falls flat.
So if you just want to avoid hackers and pests
use your middle name.
Then when it is quoted as your last name
it just ends up looking like someone else
has stolen your wisdom,
but saved you from meme-dom.

©2024 Noreen Bra Man (hey, wait a minute...)
With a wink and a nod to Lioness Magazine





Tuesday, April 23, 2024

NAPOWRIMO April 23, 2024


Decades Unfinished

the twenty-year old book

just an exercise in vanity

a collection of words

around daily complaints

and  adventures

memorializing a landmark year

that never solved the issue of

asking myself, “Now What?”


©2024 Noreen Braman

Sunday, April 21, 2024

NAPOWRIMO April 21, 2024

A Nod to Robert Frost

that less-traveled path we’re encouraged to trod

requires packing and planning and sensible shoes

sharp eyesight and balance for uneven terrain

while modulating expectations and understanding

the difference made is unknown

measures of success unsure

turning back impossible

©2024 Noreen Braman

Saturday, April 20, 2024

NAPOWRIMO April 20, 2024



In the planning of a plan it happens

that unplanned plan considerations

often brought up in the planning

are rejected in the final plan

as not necessary to the success of the plan

while the unplanned considerations arise

to reveal the lack of planning

built into construction of the plan.

©2024 Noreen Braman

Friday, April 19, 2024

NAPOWRIMO April 19, 2024



In the Realm of Dark Poetry

when the Poetess of Darkness calls,

she kneels before my feet

extending open arms to me, 

silently beckoning

awaiting my gifts

my words of burden, pain, and loss,

given  to her dawnless world

where regret is free to fly, hurt is free to cry

she takes her pen and forms the words,

pulling gently from my mind

then retreating to her shadows,

as the light returns


©2024 Noreen Braman

Friday, April 12, 2024

NAPOWRIMO April 12, 2024

Nanny Days

welcome little one

messenger from the future

courier of dreams

healer of distress

bringer of joy

reminder of possibilities

keeper of time

and hearts 

©2024 Noreen Braman


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

NAPOWRIMO April 9, 2024

April 9, 2024


Baby Day

This poem is more

than a mandatory verse

during a month

demanding daily lines

even when events

conspire to distract

such as happened today

commemorated here

while we wait

©2024 Noreen Braman



Monday, April 8, 2024

NAPOWRIMO April 8, 2024


In a Week of Ancient Signs


when ancestors read the signs

inherent in weather, stars and trees

 an intersection of earthquake and eclipse

sent as warning to those who followed the Romans

merited fires built in secret

while today descendants with celtic blood

track the moon and tectonic plates

rationality instead of superstition

safety glasses and timetables


behind their eyes in their ancient brains

they remember the gods from the wood

holding their breath until the ground stops shaking

and the fire above returns


©2024 Noreen Braman




Sunday, April 7, 2024

NAPOWRIMO April 7, 2024


Burnt Offerings

incendiary words build flames

that never die down

remaining in sleeping embers

waiting only for wind and warmth

the slightest spark falling from lips

creates a conflagration

that scorches all


©2024 Noreen Braman



Birthdays Bashed


The signatory yearly event

remembrance of first breaths of life

adding up the time

congratulating achievements

and regretting missteps

especially as life lengthens the past

and reduces time for the future

so many candles reduced to ash.

©2024 Noreen Braman



NAPOWRIMO April 6,2024

 Rumination on Realities

A found poem


characterized by or holding

false beliefs or judgments

about external reality

that are held despite

incontrovertible evidence to the contrary


as a symptom of a mental condition

see also: gaslighting

 ©2024 Noreen Braman



Friday, April 5, 2024

Bonus Poem for 2024 NAPOWRIMO

 Here is another contemplative poem, published by Biz catalyst 360


Along The Road

NAPOWRIMO April 5, 2024


Tremors Unexpected


When firmaments are not firm

and stable ground turns unstable

secure houses become insecure

steady footing is suddenly unstable

as Mother Earth acts unmotherly

shaking up the unshaken

leaving predictable balance

unpredictably unbalanced.

© 2024 Noreen Braman



Thursday, April 4, 2024

NAPOWRIMO April 4, 2024




Silent waves

swelling and retreating

leave a wake of memories

blending in an eddy of indecision

tidal pools swimming with electrical life

forming dreams

©2024 Noreen Braman

NAPOWRIMO April 3,2024


Spring Contemplates Inundation in New Jersey


The rain fell

in sheets, buckets, torrents, downpours,


Alternately employing

cloudbursts, showers, thunderstorms, deluges


As trees bent to

gusts, gales, updrafts, headwinds,


While the tempest threw down

squalls, lightning strikes, flood stages, hail, precipitation shafts,


Creating a very busy day for meteorologists and wordsmiths.



©2024 Noreen Braman

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

NAPOWRIMO - April 2, 2024



I haven’t done the taxes,

the taxes aren’t done.

Not a dollar reported,

Not a nickel paid.


I’ve got some time to do them,

Until the time runs out.

Meanwhile the poetry is due

Due every single day.


Priorities I haven’t made,

If having made them is important.

At least the list is written down,

written on today’s magic number day.

 ©2024 Noreen Braman

Monday, April 1, 2024

NAPOWRIMO 2024 - April 1

 This year, I have given myself a theme, and a logo, for National Poetry Month and my annual participation in the National Poetry Writing Month part of it. Since it is also April Fool's Day, I present a poem to you, but, is it mine, or is it AI?


In the stillness of contemplation,

I find solace amidst life's chaotic symphony.

A moment to pause, to reflect,

To untangle the knots of my mind.


In this time of transition and change,

 Contemplation is my anchor,

Guiding me through uncertain waters,

A steady hand on the rudder of my soul.


It is in these quiet moments,

That I find clarity and purpose,

A chance to listen to the whispers of my heart,

And to align my path with my truest self.


Contemplation is a gift I give myself,

A sacred space for growth and understanding,

A reminder that amidst the noise,

There is always room for silence.


In this season of my life,

Contemplation is not a luxury,

But a necessity,

A lifeline to my own inner wisdom.

©? 2024 Noreen Braman